Monday, May 30, 2011

Vancouver Getaway

A few weekends ago we got to get away to Vancouver for night!  Hooray for grandparents who are willing to take the little ones for night!  We had a great time, walked along the sea wall and discovered a delicious little Italian restaurant.  They made their own pasta DAILY!!  I was so impressed.  The food was delicious and our server's name was Niko!  How perfect!

We were quite close to Granville Island, and so we hopped on one of the little ferries that takes you across the channel to have supper and to explore.  We ended up buying our supper in the food court of the Granville Island Market.  Steve got a really amazing crepe with ham and cheese in it, and me?  Well I got the world's worst Chinese food.  No joke, the vegetables were HARSH freezer burned.  I ended up eating just the rice and was hungry about 30 seconds later.  There were some jems at the market, though.  I found THE mangos.  These mango's were no grocery store still-somewhat-green-because-they-were-pickede-too-early mangos.  These were I-just-picked-these-off-the-tree-in-the-tropical-country-they-grow-in MANGOS!  Oh snap, I have not eaten a mango like that since I was in Australia.  DEEEElicious.  This is a big deal to me, mangos are my ultimate FAVE!

The second morning we took a walk along the sea wall, it was a really nice day, a little overcast, but not raining...nice and cool.  As we were walking, I was lamenting the lack of camera use in my life as of late.  So I prayed that God would show me something really cool that I could capture and display in our house somewhere.  We came across a memorial for individuals whose lives had ended as a result of contracting AIDS.  Along the top of the memorial was a poem.  It was quite a long poem, but there were four words which really stood out to me...

Because really, my life is SO rich.  I have so much to be thankful for, even when things seem like they're not working out in my favour.  So this will be framed and put on our wall to remind us that our lives are most defnitely RICH!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I am full of shame.

I don't know how long it's been since I picked up my camera....and it's been so long since I posted on here that I had to try 3 times to remember the password.  Shame on me.  There's a reason I've not been posting recently though, and that is because I feel like absolute garbage.  I feel like puking my guts out at random moments during the days and nights.  For this there can only be one reason!

There's going to be another Baby Boldt around here!  So Zeke had better enjoy the youngest stage while it lasts!  I've really got nothing else new to post here, so I'll just fill up some space with some cute pictures I took semi-recently and hopefully get back to this quicker than last time!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Daddies and Daughters

I am one of the most blessed women on the planet.  I have the best husband in the world, a man who knows how to be a great daddy to a little girl.  A man who is endeavouring to lead his family in a godly way, who looks at his children and sees blessings rather than burdens.  A man sensitive and confident enough to sit on a tiny chair and have a tea party.  A man who is right now snuggled up in a hammock on the deck, reading a night-time story to his sweet girl.  I am so lucky.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I could totally make that!

I have inherited something from my father that is mostly great.  I see something in the store and I think "I could totally make that!".  Lots of times I can't, but it sure is a wonderful feeling when I actually succeed at one of these projects!!  One of my most favorite things that I've made is my magnet board in my kitchen.  That board cost me $0.  For serious.  I love it.

Lately I've been venturing out in to the culinary world of "I could totally make that!".  My most recent discovery is that I can make my own Ranch Dip!!  This is especially exciting for me because I put Ranch Dip on EVERYTHING!  It's great with veggies, pizza, name it, I'll dip it.  I found this recipe online and in my opinion, it is amazing!  So I'll share it. 

1 3/4 cups sour cream
1/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tsp seasoned salt
1 tsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp garlic powder
pinch of thyme
pepper to taste


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Out for a walk when the sun is shining!

My sweet girl.

It rains, SO MUCH!  So today we had a sunny break in the morning and I had to take advantage of it.  Add into the equation that Zeke just started walking and we had a super fun morning walk!  Watching my two sweethearts walk together holding hands just melted me.  They were so adorable!  And for the record, kids totally listen better when you take them outside more.  Maybe they're just too tired to put up a fight, but I'll totally take it.  
Zeke learning about his shadow.

Sweet Toes!

Flowers are blooming in our front yard.  Molly took this picture!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I give myself freedom.

I am a lousy blogger.  There.  I said it.  I'm not good at remembering to post, or take pictures, or really to follow through with a fair number of things.  All that said, I'm having quite a great time with life currently!  I just finished watching a dear friend's little boy for 4 days (only during the days) which gave me two one-year-olds and a four-year-old in the daytime.  I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't tired at the end of the day, but it was FUN!  They all had their moments of melt down and disobedience, of course, but overall, I could totally handle the three kid thing.  Plus I got a kick out of how many old ladies asked me if I had twins. 

Some other goings on of oldest girl turned 4 today!!!  And just like a lot of other four-year-old girls, Dora is a favorite around our house.  So I bought a Dora cake pan (with a coupon, so I got a mega good deal) and went to work.  I invited my sister over thinking we'd have a cup of tea and visit, but then she saw the cake and soon we were elbow deep in icing! 

Can I just say, I LOVE decorating cakes this way?  I mean with the little rosebud thingys all over.  It just seems so...old school and comfortable.  This is how I remember my cakes, don't get me wrong, fondant cakes are BEAUTIFUL and all, but these just give me that cozy feeling.  I plan on making this type of cake as long as my kids let me.

Can I call this day 10?  I think I shall.

Days 8 and 9.


 Because underneath my savvy exterior (HAH), I am a giant nerd and I spend large chunks of time trying to memorize algorithms.