Saturday, January 29, 2011

Some Goings On

I've finished a project that has been on my mind for ages!  When we redid our kitchen, my dad built a cabinet right beside our fridge, so there's not a lot of space for my magnetic things.  (We have a stainless steel fridge, so the front is useless for such things).  So I took a giant picture frame and painted and distressed it, Steve cut a piece of metal to fit inside and I covered it with some fabric I've had in my stash for years.  Here it is in all its glory, it's already been filled with pictures drawn by Molly and her friend Finn.  I can't express how incredibly happy this makes me!

I also managed to make a skirt for the Mollster out of an old t-shirt my mom donated to my fabric stash.  I think it turned out pretty well!  I think Molly will be wearing a lot more home-made skirts in the near future.  She had a lot of fun modelling (she was super excited to get to stand on her chair).

Shortly after I finished these projects, my dad showed up at our house with these cupcakes!!  Aren't they amazing!!?  My mom went to a cupcake decorating class and learned how to make these adorable cupcakes.  Needless to say, there will be a lot more of these at our tea parties in the future!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I got a package in the mail today!!!

And there were BOOTS inside!!!  And a pair of pants for Steve, which is exciting, but hardly as exciting as footwear!  I had also ordered a super cute pair of ballet flats, but they turned out to be too small, so back they go!  I have been looking for a pair of boots like this for AGES, and it turns out they're so comfy, I might just employ them as slippers as well!  And while I'm on the subject of my feet, I thought I'd just show you the other newest addition to my footwear family, my red pumps.  Aren't they delicious?  I love them.  So much, in fact, that I wore them to the grocery store the other day.  I felt amazing!  It's the little things.

Speaking of little things.  I find that when I blog I want to write down every little thing that my day has held.  I was thinking about how incredibly boring that would be for others to read, but then I spoke with a friend of mine and SHE knows someone who does just that and then prints out the whole blog at the end of the year and saves it for her kids to read when they get older.  Genius.  Hats off to you Mrs. Schulz!

Having said that, I don't really have much to report about today.  Other than finishing painting my bathroom.  Which was a super dark aqua blue, and is now the colour "Parliament" (which translates to pale yellow).  That's a pretty exciting thing for me.  I love finishing projects!  It seems that these days there are endless lists of things to finish around the house, so this was a biggie for me.

Well I'm off to clean my house (glory be) before Zeke wakes up so we can spend some family time together outside before we welcome our dinner guests!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Such a lovely day!

I've had a ground-breaking revelation.  To preface, I've been having a bit of a tough go with Molly.  We're both really opinionated and we both LOVE to be right.  How to deal with that??  I had no idea.  We just kept having super rough days being majorly mad at each other.  And then, it hit me!  If you play with your kids lots, they'll be happier.  Yep, for serious, I'm that dense.  She just wanted to be played with!!!!  Oh my goodness, we have so much fun!  She's such a super sweet little girl (still opinionated, but not nearly as disobedient!).  She always was sweet, but it seemed to be getting clouded over by both of us butting heads.  So these days Steve doesn't get a clean house or food on the table when he gets home, but for the most part, the children are happy.  Ah, thank you Jesus for these wee ones. 

Part of our great day today was going for a walk.  We prayed that Jesus would show us something super special and interesting on our walk.  He never lets you down.  We walked down the road and came to a park and a whole bunch of the field was flooded.  Doesn't sound super interesting maybe, but to an almost four-year-old, this is incredible stuff!  She was wowed by the "lake" and looked at me and said "I think this is the special thing Jesus did for us."  Oh how my heart soared! 
See that smile, it's real!!  Zeke wasn't as impressed, but in his defense, he was a bit tired. 

So there you have it, play with your kids and ask Jesus for cool stuff on your walks and the days turn out pretty fantastic!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It snowed again!

The impossible has happened!  The forecast was for snow, and it SNOWED!!  So we enjoyed a super fun day filled with snow man making, snowball throwing, hot chocolate drinking, movie watching, and puzzle doing!  With a trip to the supermarket stuck in the middle. 

Molly and I made an awesome snowman in the backyard, named it Pat, looked out the window an hour later and his head had fallen off.  Rest in peace, Pat.  It was fun while it lasted.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Handmade Gifts

I am required by a recent Facebook post to make 5 things for 5 friends who commented on the post.  Each item has to be completely handmade by me and sent out to them sometime in 2011.  A great idea!  I decided to get right on it and started searching the web for good handmade gift ideas.  So far I've made 3 pillows (only one of which will work for the giveaway, there are a few "practise" pillows, and one tote bag (which is flimsy, so it'll just be a bag for my kids to play with).  I'm well on my way with one real gift completed!  Hopefully the production will pick up a bit as I figure out which materials work better. 

This is the tote bag, which is made out of an old tank top (GENIUS idea from Craftynest, if you want to make one here is the tutorial).  I found that the tank top I used was quite a flimsy material though, so I'm going to try again with a sturdier one.
And this!  This is the pillow I made using an old sweater and a black shirt for the flower.  On my red chair which I love.  I'm very excited to send this pillow of to its new owner!

Monday, January 10, 2011

It Snows!

This is the view I get to wake up to these days...well, probably only a few more days, if I'm being realistic.  Around here it snows and everyone gets excited and the next day it rains and all the white delight melts away into nasty dirty slush.  BUT I will say when it's here, it's glorious!  My husband and daughter are currently out frolicking while I get to stay in and learn to blog while my little one sleeps.  Oh, I should probably introduce myself if I'm going to be telling everyone in blogland about my life!  My name is Angie, I'm married to the most WONDERFUL man on the planet, Steve (seriously, he's amazing!).  Together we've got two kids, Molly, who is at present just shy of 4 years, and Ezekiel who has just turned 1.  They are absolute delights (most of the time) and I love being their Mom!  Here's a shot of what a morning moment around here looks like...
These are my two lovelies jumping around being general goofballs on Molly's bed.  I adore these children.

It Begins!

And so here is my very first post!  Not going to be extremely exciting, I'm afraid, I'm basically just testing the waters here and will likely do a *real* post later on in the day.   Or tomorrow.