Friday, February 25, 2011

I give myself freedom.

I am a lousy blogger.  There.  I said it.  I'm not good at remembering to post, or take pictures, or really to follow through with a fair number of things.  All that said, I'm having quite a great time with life currently!  I just finished watching a dear friend's little boy for 4 days (only during the days) which gave me two one-year-olds and a four-year-old in the daytime.  I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't tired at the end of the day, but it was FUN!  They all had their moments of melt down and disobedience, of course, but overall, I could totally handle the three kid thing.  Plus I got a kick out of how many old ladies asked me if I had twins. 

Some other goings on of oldest girl turned 4 today!!!  And just like a lot of other four-year-old girls, Dora is a favorite around our house.  So I bought a Dora cake pan (with a coupon, so I got a mega good deal) and went to work.  I invited my sister over thinking we'd have a cup of tea and visit, but then she saw the cake and soon we were elbow deep in icing! 

Can I just say, I LOVE decorating cakes this way?  I mean with the little rosebud thingys all over.  It just seems so...old school and comfortable.  This is how I remember my cakes, don't get me wrong, fondant cakes are BEAUTIFUL and all, but these just give me that cozy feeling.  I plan on making this type of cake as long as my kids let me.

Can I call this day 10?  I think I shall.

Days 8 and 9.


 Because underneath my savvy exterior (HAH), I am a giant nerd and I spend large chunks of time trying to memorize algorithms.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 7.

It's not sunny, but it's not snowing either!  I'll take it!  We've currently got 6 cars in our driveway that Steve's working on fixing.  One of them is my cousin's vintage Valiant.  Cool car.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Missed day 5. OOPS! Here's day 6.

Terrible lighting, terrible flash, but how adorable is this little guy?  I have the pleasure of watching him for the next 3/4 days! 
Sarah, you make really cute kids!
 Also, dear sun, please make a comeback so I can use natural lighting again!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 3.

Ok, I know tons of people who have done super artistic photos every day, but today I whipped the camera out only in time to catch Zeke attempting to eat with a fork, and to take a picture of Molly giving me a cute smile.  Then we ran around like mad getting ready to catch the bus to Grandma and Papa's house.  With Zeke strapped to my front and a backpack on my back I just didn't have room to grab the camera as well, so this is all for today.  :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 2.

Some freaky settings on my camera.  These are just red beads hanging from my light fixture.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Picture a day. Day 1.

I'm succumbing.  I used to take a ton of pictures, but it seems I've lost my drive.  So I'm going to start the 365 picture project.  So if I don't have anything to say, at least there'll be a picture to look at!

Fun times at our house

 Words cannot describe how much I love these kids!!  They're just so much fun!  I can't get enough of their faces.  Zeke thinks it's just the funnest thing to play "hide and seek".  It's great to watch him laugh and laugh when he peeks out from behind things.  He just thinks he's the funniest thing going. 

 Here's Molly writing on the white board I made.  She likes to hide what she's written under a paper towel and then whisk it off to reveal the secret message.  The message this day was "mom".  Melt my heart, she's learning to write all on her own!

 This was a day we broke out the bubbles at the dinner table.  These kids were beside themselves with excitement!
 Molly and I often bake cupcakes and it's one of her favorite things to decorate them.  They usually turn out like this.

Waiting for her beautiful red toenails to dry.  She wasn't impressed with my taking her picture.  She was much too busy watching Tinkerbell.
Seriously.  Look at that face.  I should have a hundred more of these.  Well...that might be an overstatement, but still.  Look at that face!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The question on my mind these days...Did He see MY face?  When he was hanging there, life seeping from him.  When he thought about why he was doing this?  Did MY face flash before his eyes?

Yes.  And yours did too.